At this Wednesday's meeting, we had 15 members present and 1 visiting Rotarian, Terry Miller from the Vancouver Rotary.


The 4-way test was read by Carlos.


Rotary Moment:

Ron Suzuki will be doing the Rotary moment this month. Today he touched on a few interesting facts about RYLA:
  • When did it start? A:1959
  • Where did it start? A: Queensland, Australia
  • For more details check their website:
  • Terry Miller from the Vancouver club stopped by our meeting to invite us to the Million Dollar Dinner for the Rotary foundation. It will take place on January 9th. District 5040 and 5040 will celebrate 100 Years of The Rotary Foundation doing good in the world on Monday, January 9, 2017. Keynote speaker is RI President John Germ. - See more at:
Meeting -  Today we had a business meeting to discuss, plan and set goals for our club's future.
Pics from the meeting:
Thought of the Day: 
Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. ~Author unknown
Next 3 Speakers:
23-Nov - Marion Broadbent "New Zealand School Exchange"
30-Nov - Mystery Speaker "Type 1 Diabetes"
7-Dec - Jordan Bateman "Canadian Taxpayers Federation"
Important Links:
Set up your Rotary foundation donation via credit card: Just click here
We now have a proper website under our own domain name: