4 Way Test:
President Alfredo led the group in the Four-Way Test. We had 16 members present and two visiting Rotarians from South Africa, Roger and Mariam Dymond.
Rotary Moment:
Our Rotary Moment today was done by Michael Alty. In 2015, the Health Minister of Malawi, Africa, noted that the nation of more than 17 million people had only 10 active dentists practicing there. They faced a real problem of untreated dental health issues. So, the Rotary club of the capital, Lilongwe, sponsored a ve-day dental camp that treated more than 1,100 Malawians.
The Rotarians held a golf tournament in advance to raise the money needed to pay for all the medications and dental hygiene products. They also hired 30 additional dentists needed to make the dental camp a success. There is still a need for more dentists in Malawi but the backlog of needed treatment has been addressed. 
* There will not be a meeting on December 27th, that is the only cancelled meeting this month.
* The Yaletown and the Vancouver Rotary clubs have committed to the Hoopathon once again this year.
* Our Christmas party was a success! Thank you very much, John and Marni, for hosting everyone, please check out the pics below:
Guest Speaker:
Today we had our Annual General Meeting for both our club and our foundation. Our finances are looking good, thanks in large part to our Treasurers and our board, thank you all for your hard work!

Thought of the day:
Abraham Joshua Heschel — 'When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.'

Next Speakers:
Dec 20 - Salvation Army, Christmas theme.
Jan 3    - Jackie Kloosterboer, Earthquake Preparedness.
 Jan 10 - Business Meeting.