4 Way Test:
President Alfredo led the group in the Four-Way Test. We had 11 members present today.
Rotary Moment:
Our Rotary Moment today was about an experience Alfredo had this past Christmas. He received a Christmas card from a client and in the envelope, instead of a lump of coal he found a $150 donation to our club's foundation! Talk about an original and thoughtful present.
* In February 2018, the eyes of the Rotary World will be on Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Zones 24 and 25 will host the Presidential Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Peace. Our member Diana Theman will be attending. Read more about this conference on the official website: https://environmentandpeace.com/
* This year we will be having another fundraiser for Project Amigo, more details coming in the month of March.
Guest Speaker:
Our guest speaker today was Jackie Kloosterboer who is the Emergency Planning Coordinator & Emergency Social Services Director with the city of Vancouver. 
Jackie has been leading the way in earthquake preparedness for over 18 years. She presents more than 100 Earthquake Preparedness sessions each year to groups, businesses and at conferences, taking people step by step through the process of how to prepare their family and pets for whatever disaster comes their way. Jackie is often interviewed by a variety of media outlets across Canada as she promotes Earthquake Preparedness.
There were 3 recommendations that I feel are very important and easy to implement:
1) Have an out of Province emergency contact. You may not be able to contact all your friends and family locally due to the communications services being unavailable or limited.
2) Have an agreed on evacuation location where all your family members can meet in the event of an
3) Budget 4 liters of water per person per day. 

Thought of the day:
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey 

Next Speakers:
Jan 10 - Business Meeting.
Jan 17 - Advanced Education, High School Graduates' next move.
Jan 24 - Robbie Burns Day