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Welcome to 2025 Rotary Hoop-A-Thon 


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Since 2007 The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon has raised over $560,000 for Scholarships, Youth Leadership and other Community Projects in British Columbia.  This year our Rotary partnership is growing with members from Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs, including:


Vancouver/Strathcona, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Tsawwassen, New Westminster, Pemberton, Prince George, Prince Rupert, Williams Lake, White Horse, Langley….and more…


Each Club will host its own Rotary Hoop-A-Thon event raising funds to stay in their community.  


What’s a Hoop-A-Thon?

Watch Us on YouTube:

video captured and produced by Joel Law Media @joelchlaw

Please donate. 

Choose which community you would like to support:

Click here for Prince George

If you need the direct link to the donations page it is here: Donations for Prince George Hoopathon.


 Click Here for Vancouver/Strathcona


 Click Here for North and West Vancouver


Click Here for Prince Rupert

Follow Prince Rupert Rotary on Facebook by clicking here        


Click Here for Pemberton


Click Here for New Westminster


Click Here for Tsawwassen


Events are also planned for:

Pemberton:  June 1st
Langley: June 2nd.
Prince George: June 8th.
White Horse: date pending


The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon for Vancouver/Strathcona: April 20, 2024 at 9am 


Location: Strathcona Community Centre at 601 Keefer St, Vancouver BC V6A 3V8


The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon is an annual basketball fundraising event that helps hundreds of kids in East Vancouver. Money is raised by donations and pledges based on the number of successful free throws a player can sink in one minute.


Our Rotary partnership includes Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise, Rotary Club of Vancouver Yaletown, Rotary Club of Vancouver, Rotary Club of Vancouver Arbutus, Rotary Club of Vancouver Mountainview, Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview, Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial.  We are also supported by the Vancouver Young Professionals Rotaract Club, and King George and Point Grey High School Interactors.  



In Vancouver/Strathcona we are supporting the Strathcona Community Centre Basketball Program, providing Scholarships, Youth Leadership Programs and Basketball Equipment, Transportation & Coaching.

Make a DONATION NOW and receive an instant Tax Receipt: 

Go To:


Rotary has no overhead costs for this project…ALL the money you donate goes to the kids!  



Our Media Sponsor:


Thanks to GLOBAL BC and News Anchor Chris Gailus.




Watch GLOBAL News featuring The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon:


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Hoop-A-Thon Thanks Hoop-Law!


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The Hoop-Law Tournament is a basketball tournament organized by Vancouver lawyers and UBC Law students that pits firm against firm, barristers versus solicitors. Each year Hoop-Law has made a generous donation to Rotary on behalf of their supporters! THANK YOU!


Since 1995 Hoop-Law has raised over $1 million for children in need who are living in our community.   For more:


Thanks to our Corporate Donors:




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Global Container Terminals


BC Greenhouse Builders
Vancity Credit Union


How Can You Help Us Help the Kids?


1. DONATE: We will gratefully accept donations and provide an instant tax receipt through our online partner, Charitable Impact:

Go To:


2. SHOOT & SHARE:  Have Your Own - At Home - Hoop-A-Thon and share a short video on Facebook Page & Instagram:


3. SUPPORT: Help us get the word out… Like Us or Share this link on Facebook and other Social Media.


Who Do We Help?
All of the funds from The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon stay in your local community. In 2023 you helped us raise $53,785 for kids in East Vancouver.  Thank You!


We awarded funds for scholarships, the Strathcona Basketball Program and Youth Leadership Training.  


Scholarships help students with their tuition and other costs for college and university. All of the students who receive Rotary funding have demonstrated their commitment to community service, youth leadership and volunteerism - and have a verified need for financial support due to family and individual circumstances.



On June 24, 2023 we awarded $40,000 in Rotary Scholarships to the following students:

-Vincent S. - $10,000

-Shahar B. - $7000 

-Piper Y. - $5000

-Enda C. - $5000

-Charlie H. - $2000 

-Sam T. - $2000

-Kevin B. - $2000


Each of the following students received a $1000 scholarship:


-Anita L. 

-Advienne L. 

-Diana N.

-Paige C. 

-Grace C.

-Andrew T.

-Vicky H.


Plus, Rotary donated $13,785 to The Strathcona Basketball Program and Girls who LEAP, Boys who RISE Youth Programs in East Vancouver.



The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon is growing in British Columbia.  Your donations will help change lives…


Jennifer was our first Rotary Scholarship recipient.  She is now a teacher, coach and Youth Leader in Vancouver. See her story:


Naomi is another Strathcona grad and one of our Rotary scholarship recipients.  Naomi played for Team Canada (U24 Women) helping us get to the World Championships in 2018. Today she is completing her practicum in Victoria as a Dietician and volunteers as a mentor and youth leader.





Make a Donation NOW - and you will receive an instant Tax Receipt! 
Go To:


Thank you!


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