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Here are the meeting times and contact names for the various Interact and Rotaract clubs we are associated with:
  • Rotaract Young Professionals Vancouver meets first Monday of the month at 6:00 pm -  Rotary Advisor- Joan Posivy.
  • UBC Rotaract meets every 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Rotary Advisor Thomas Miller.
  • Sir Winston Churchill Interacts meet every Tuesday at 11:30 am - Rotary Advisor Adriana Zylmans.
  • King George Interact meets every Monday 12noon Zoom first Monday of the month live following Covid-19 Guidelines. Rotary Advisor Ron Suzuki
  • Strathcona Interact meets every 2nd Saturday at 3:30 pm alternate week is usually a project - Community Advisor Mitra Tsan.
  • Point Grey Interact meets Fridays 3:30 pm - Rotary Advisor Michael Cowhig.
  • Interact Point Grey Senior Secondary - meetings take place every Friday from 11:30am-12:30pm - Advisor - Ria Lacoumentas