With a little "help from a few friends," members of our Strathcona and King George Interact Clubs, and the District 5040 Interact Council hosted a very successful conference on Saturday March 10th at Britannia Secondary School.
Pictured above are some of the nearly 100 Interactors from across the province who participated in an engaging and energizing day of learning with speakers, presentations and workshops. Past District Governor and current District Youth Chair, John Berry provided this report of the event:
"Ron, I want add a note of huge appreciation to you, and to everyone else who contributed to making the day the terrific experience that it was. Your efforts in arranging the facility, handling all the logistics around the site, getting the pizzas sorted out in short order when plans had to change and working with your own club (and enlisting the capable and efficient Peter!) on the equipment, all were instrumental in the event's success.
Everyone on the District Interact Committee (whether on not you were "formally" a member!) was fantastic in pitching in as needed...I know it's just what we do in Rotary, but still, it is awe-inspiring to see that epitomizing People of Action!"